Konflik terbaru menyaksikan Israel semakin ganas menyerang Lebanon. Pelbagai kemudahan awam diserang, jalan raya dibom, malah stesen janakuasa turut diletupkan. Hizbullah turut menyerang balas dengan meletupkan sebuah kapal perang Israel. Berita terkin daripada Yahoo! News dipetik sebagai berikut,
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hezbollah rammed an Israeli warship with an unmanned aircraft rigged with explosives Friday, setting it ablaze after Israeli warplanes smashed Lebanon's links to the world one by one and destroyed the headquarters of the Islamic guerrilla group's leader.The attack on the warship off Beirut's Mediterranean coast was the most dramatic incident on a violent day in the conflict that erupted suddenly Wednesday and appeared to be careening out of control despite pleas from world leaders for restraint on both sides.
"You wanted an open war and we are ready for an open war," Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said in a taped statement. He vowed to strike even deeper into Israel with rockets.
Dan lebih mengagumkan, dalam menghadapi tekanan Yahudi laknatullah, inilah kata² seorang penduduk Lebanon,
"If they kill us all, we will still not give them back the prisoners," said one resident, Nasser Ali Nasser, as palls of smoke rose from fuel depots hit farther south. "We have nothing left to lose except our dignity. We sacrifice ourselves for Sheik Nasrallah," he said.
"We are on the right and we shall avenge every attack we endure," said Fadi Haidar, an American-Lebanese who swept up the shattered glass outside his store in south Beirut. "I have huge debts and now my store is damaged. ... But as time goes by, they will all realize that Sayyed Nasrallah is right and is working in the interest of Muslims."
Namun apa yang mengjengkelkan adalah kata² Bush,
President Bush, who has backed Israel's right to defend itself, spoke by phone with Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora from a G-8 summit in Russia and "reiterated his position" that the Israeli attacks should limit any impact on civilians, White House spokesman Tony Snow said.
But the promise fell short of the Lebanese leader's request for pressure for a cease-fire.
Bush hanya meminta Israel mengurangkan kesan ke atas orang awam, bukannya menghentikan. Bush jelas menampakkan sikapnya yang berat sebelah dalam menangani keganasan.
Bercakap mengenai kecanggihan peralatan perang Hizbullah, saya boleh katakan mereka jauh mendahului melengkapan perang Malaysia,
On Friday, however, a Hezbollah drone loaded with explosives slammed into an Israeli navy vessel off Lebanon, causing severe damage and leaving it burning as it turned and cruised homeward, Israeli officials reported. The Arab television channel al-Jazeera said four sailors were missing after the attack.
After Hezbollah's first use of a drone in 2004, its leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, warned that the pilotless aircraft were capable of carrying explosives and striking deep into Israel. On Friday, Nasrallah went on the air again, telling listeners the damaged ship could be seen off Beirut. "Look at it burning," he said.
Berita penuh - Hezbollah `air power' first flew in 2004
RAFAH, Gaza Strip - Palestinian militants forced open a border gate Friday between Egypt and Gaza, letting hundreds of people pour across despite warning shots from Israeli helicopter gunships.
At least 600 people — mostly students and patients trapped at the border in the weeks the Rafah crossing was closed — passed freely over the frontier. Six Palestinian militants stood by, periodically firing in the air, witnesses and Palestinian security said.
Dan US, sekali lagi cuba mengabui mata dunia dengan menghulurkan sumbangan $50 Juta untuk bantuan kepada pelarian Palestin. Rakyat Palestin, saya pasti, tidak pernah mengharapkan sedikitpun bantuan kewangan daripada US yang jelas dari dahulu lagi, ibarat talam dua muka. Memberi bantuan kewangan, namun dalam masa yang sama, memberi sokongan kepada Israel. Mereka seperti memperbodohkan diri mereka sendiri.
Berita penuh boleh dibaca di Militants open border between Egypt, Gaza
Dalam berita terkini, Lebanon yang meminta Majlis Keselamatan mengadakan sidang gempar kecewa selepas perdebatan hebat menyaksikan wakil US menyalahkan Iran dan Syria kerana menyokong Hizbullah dan Hamas selama ini. Malah wakil US juga enggan membenar Israel diberi amaran apatah lagi arahan untuk berundur.
"Syria and Iran must be held to account for supporting regional terrorism and their role in the current crisis," Bolton said, condemning both countries for aiding and protecting militant groups like Hezbollah and the armed wing of Hamas.
"All militias in Lebanon, including Hezbollah, must disarm and disband immediately," he said.
Dalam situasi cemas ini, Hizbullah tetap yakin dengan pertolongan ALLAH, malah mereka menjanjikan kemenangan kepada Lebanon dan juga kemusnahan lebih dasyat ke atas Israel,
The Hezbollah leader also repeated a threat to hit the Israeli coastal city of Haifa and other towns farther south. "To Haifa? Believe me, beyond and beyond Haifa."
"Our homes will not be the only ones to be destroyed, our children will not be the only ones to die. ... Those days are over, I promise you.
"You (Israelis) must take responsibility for what your government has done," he added. "You will soon discover how stupid and foolish your new government is."
Nasrallah called on the Lebanese people to be patient and steadfast.
"I promise you a new victory, just as I always have," he said.
Berita penuh - Hezbollah: We're ready for 'open war'
Lihatlah ketabahan penduduk Palestin, renungi kecekalan penduduk Lebanon. Walau diasak dengan keganasan berterusan, mereka tetap teguh mempertahankan kedaulatan ISLAM. Jika hendak dibandingkan kita dengan mereka, ibarat langit dengan bumi. Kita yang belum diuji dengan tekanan dan keganasanpun sudah ada yang mengaku kalah. Malu tapi inilah realiti...
Semoga ISLAM terus menang. Takbir!!!
P/s - Maaf andainya terdapat silap ejaan mahupun format yang sedikit bercelaru, artikel ini ditulis secepat mungkin agar dapat disebarkan buat pengetahuan umat ISLAM yang lain. Sama-samalah membantu menyebarkan info buat sahabat yang lain.