Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Isu Minyak di Iraq; Pak Lah Nafi Salah Guna Kuasa

Ini juga berita terbaru yang agak hot. Setelah diasak-asak oleh Tun, akhirnya Pak Lah bersuara juga tentang tuduhan bahawa dia terlibat dengan penyelewengan dan salah guna kuasa sewaktu menjadi TPM.

Ini petikan daripada TheSUN, (mungkin akhbar harian lain takkan siarkan berita ini!)

PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday denied any personal interest in the US$800 million (RM2.96 billion) United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme in Iraq.

"Anyone can say whatever they want and he knows what he has done.

"I have got no interest (in the programme).. recommending people an opportunity to participate does not imply that I have been involved in any dealings. It is quite normal for government leaders to write letters of introduction for any particular group seeking genunie business opportunities," he said.

The prime minister was responding to allegations posted on the internet that he benefited by recommending his sister-in-law's company for the programme using his office as the then deputy prime minister.

The internet posting referred to two reports on the programme, namely:

  • Charles Duelfer - Comprehensive Report of the Special Adviser to the Director of the Central Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction, Sept 30, 2004; and
  • Paul A. Volcker - Independent Enquiry Committee into The United Nations Oil-for Food Programme (Manipulation of the Oil-for-Food Programme by the Iraqi Regime) Oct 27, 2005 (the "Volcker Report" in short).

Both reports named Abdullah's connection to the programme via Malaysian companies.

Menarik bukan? Sama-sama kita lihat bagaimana Pak Lah dan pengampu-pengampunya melenyapkan kes ini daripada terus diketahui rakyat. Adakah Pak Lah akan keluar di TV3 dan menjawab persoalan dengan kekeliruan? Kita tunggu dan lihat...


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