In some of my recent post, I wrote a lot about passion. And again, I would like to write about passion. I'll make it short and simple. Stright to the point. Its more of a muhasabah; hopefully I won't make any stupid 'miss communication' in this English written post. What is passion anyway? Maybe you guys already forgot. Too old to be true. Just kidding...
I'll try to make this as simple as I can. Take example in our office, at work, we can observ many people working hard. Sometimes too hard; doing overtime; going back late. Well, there is two assumption. It's either there have passion in the work they are doing. Or, they have passion in the salary (money) that they will be paid. Either way, because of passion, these people are working hard. I said 'these' people, not 'we', because I'm not one of them. Hehe...
Now, that is what I define as passion. It drives us, human to do something. To work hard for something. To strive for something. Without passion, what we do will be dull. We will do it half hearted. Like me myself, doing my current work at my current office, its damn too dull and boring. But, when I'm back in front of my computer, wow! Never felt better. This is PASSION.
So, whats the big deal? Well, an idea just struck me after breaking my fast. Logically, everyone must have hope to go to heaven. And I believe, no one wants to be put in hell. Of course, I have met people that believe they will go to hell and never did try to change so that they can have the chance to go to heaven. But the point is, everyone wants to go to heaven? Correct me if I'm wrong. Again, whats the big deal here?
Don't you guys get it? If everyone wants to go to heaven, should be, everyone have passion in it. But, if everyone is passionate enough to go to heaven, why isn't everyone striving for it? Doing good deeds, amar makruf nahi mungkar, controlling themselves from breaking Allah's' law and list goes on. Why?! We do our work in the office good enough; sometimes better than 'good'. But why does when it comes to doing our responsibility to ALLAH, we don't do it at our best?
Its kind of weird, but believe me, we are too weird than we think we are. We want to go to heaven so badly, but still, we never did act like we wanted to. We are deadly scared of hell (neraka jahannam), but still, we tend to do things that are forbidden. Logically thinking, we are crazy!
Got the message I'm trying to deliver? I'm not actually saying "We are crazy,". No! I'm trying to say that, if we really have passion towards heaven, if we really want to go to heaven, than, act like we want to. We can work damn hard to get a rise in salary, or even get a better position. Why not work even harder to get the opportunity to go to heaven?
Think about it. Do we really want to go to heaven? If the answer is a YES, than strive for it. Prove it to the Al-Mighty. Don't just keep saying you want to go to heaven. If you just keep on saying and dreaming, you will be nowhere even near to heaven. And I'm not joking.
I take this opportunity in this month of Ramadhan, to urge myself, and fellow readers to have the passion to go to heaven, and strive for it. With only 11 days to go, I don't think its enough. That's my personal opinion. Maybe for some of you, and that is a very little 'some-of-you' I mean; are already prepared for the here after. I'm not yet...
Just my two cents. (I wonder why it is always 'two cents'. Lol~).
P/s - Sorry if my words are a bit too sempoi. I prefer this style of writing. Not to formal. And also no bombastic words. Open for comments!
I'll try to make this as simple as I can. Take example in our office, at work, we can observ many people working hard. Sometimes too hard; doing overtime; going back late. Well, there is two assumption. It's either there have passion in the work they are doing. Or, they have passion in the salary (money) that they will be paid. Either way, because of passion, these people are working hard. I said 'these' people, not 'we', because I'm not one of them. Hehe...
Now, that is what I define as passion. It drives us, human to do something. To work hard for something. To strive for something. Without passion, what we do will be dull. We will do it half hearted. Like me myself, doing my current work at my current office, its damn too dull and boring. But, when I'm back in front of my computer, wow! Never felt better. This is PASSION.
So, whats the big deal? Well, an idea just struck me after breaking my fast. Logically, everyone must have hope to go to heaven. And I believe, no one wants to be put in hell. Of course, I have met people that believe they will go to hell and never did try to change so that they can have the chance to go to heaven. But the point is, everyone wants to go to heaven? Correct me if I'm wrong. Again, whats the big deal here?
Don't you guys get it? If everyone wants to go to heaven, should be, everyone have passion in it. But, if everyone is passionate enough to go to heaven, why isn't everyone striving for it? Doing good deeds, amar makruf nahi mungkar, controlling themselves from breaking Allah's' law and list goes on. Why?! We do our work in the office good enough; sometimes better than 'good'. But why does when it comes to doing our responsibility to ALLAH, we don't do it at our best?
Its kind of weird, but believe me, we are too weird than we think we are. We want to go to heaven so badly, but still, we never did act like we wanted to. We are deadly scared of hell (neraka jahannam), but still, we tend to do things that are forbidden. Logically thinking, we are crazy!
Got the message I'm trying to deliver? I'm not actually saying "We are crazy,". No! I'm trying to say that, if we really have passion towards heaven, if we really want to go to heaven, than, act like we want to. We can work damn hard to get a rise in salary, or even get a better position. Why not work even harder to get the opportunity to go to heaven?
Think about it. Do we really want to go to heaven? If the answer is a YES, than strive for it. Prove it to the Al-Mighty. Don't just keep saying you want to go to heaven. If you just keep on saying and dreaming, you will be nowhere even near to heaven. And I'm not joking.
I take this opportunity in this month of Ramadhan, to urge myself, and fellow readers to have the passion to go to heaven, and strive for it. With only 11 days to go, I don't think its enough. That's my personal opinion. Maybe for some of you, and that is a very little 'some-of-you' I mean; are already prepared for the here after. I'm not yet...
Just my two cents. (I wonder why it is always 'two cents'. Lol~).
P/s - Sorry if my words are a bit too sempoi. I prefer this style of writing. Not to formal. And also no bombastic words. Open for comments!
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