A group of about 300 people protested yesterday in front of the Sunway Pyramid shopping centre against the recent toll increases on five highways in the Klang Valley.The protesters, comprising members of opposition political parties, MTUC and residents, gathered at 4pm. Their presence attracted more than 3,000 onlookers, mostly weekend shoppers.
About two dozen protesters spoke through loud hailers, criticising the toll increases. They also questioned the rationale of using taxpayers' money to compensate the highway concessionaires.
About 150 policemen from the Subang Jaya district police headquarters and two truck-loads of Federal Reserve Unit members led by OCPD Mohd Fuad Talib and his deputy, Supt Jaafar Said, were present to control the crowd.
Although the gathering was held without a permit, police allowed the protesters to have their say for 30 minutes. However, soon after the time was up, the crowd marched to the main road and continued venting their displeasure for the next hour. The main road leading to SS15, Subang Jaya, was closed to traffic for about an hour.
Police personnel watched patiently despite the unruly behaviour of several protesters who swore at the men in blue and posed a threat to traffic.
Dilaporkan seramai 150 orang polis dan dua truck FRU dikejarkan ke tempat perhimpunan, walhal realitinya, lima buah truck FRU dibawa. Itu tidak termasuk dengan dua buah 'trailer', salah satunya adalah water canon 'trailer'. Kenapa tidak melapor as it is? Bukankah itu motto TheSun?
Dakwaan bahawa peserta himpuna bertindak dengan kurang ajar dan biadap juga kurang tepat. Malah tidak ada peserta yang cuba menganggu lalu lintas. Yang peliknya, FRU sendiri yang menutup lalu lintas. Untuk apa? Tanyalah mereka.
Harapan saya, biarlah berita sebegini dilaporkan secara telus. Biarlah rakyat dan kerajaan tahu bahawa yang hadir hampir 5000 orang. Bukan sahaja pembangkang, ada juga mereka daripada MIC dan MCA. Apapun, terima kasih kepada TheSun kerana berani untuk menyiarkan berita ini. Akhbar lain susah untuk diharap, semuanya retorik belaka!
Rujuk juga berita dibawah:
- RM4.8b payout not justified, says DAP
- 'Reveal agreements with highway concessionaires'
- DrM: My cabinet may have erred in toll agreements
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